Day 2: Orientation and First Classes

This morning featured some much-needed sleep for our jet lagged students, with breakfast at their leisure and a slow morning of reading, strolling the streets, and just taking their time to adjust to Italian life.

After that came orientation, which began with a brief history of the convent by SSA Director Jill Muti. Then photography faculty Heather Teets and visual arts faculty Raul Miyar discussed their goals for the students for the coming two weeks. After an overview of convent and program rules, the students headed out for lunch on their own, whether panino, pizza, piadina, or 3-course meal. They snuck in some quick shopping before the shops closed for their afternoon rest.

Finally, classes kicked off at 5pm where the students split into their individual intensives. We’re fortunate to have a local school in Spoleto allow the program full use of its facilities (including its air conditioning!) for the indoor portion of our classes.

The evening concluded with dinner at the Hotel Clitunno, featuring zucchini lasagna, vitello tonnato, and amaretti and peach trifle.

A domani!